Clean Architecture with Golang

Martin Pasaribu
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2023


The Clean Architecture

Hey there, curious coder!

Ever felt lost in a maze of complicated code? You’re not alone. In the world of software development, simplicity is key, and that’s where Clean Architecture steps in to save the day. Imagine it as a magic wand that turns tangled code into something clear, enjoyable, and easy to work with.

Clean Architecture is like building a sturdy house. You have different layers — foundation, walls, and roof — each serving a specific purpose. In the same way, Clean Architecture helps us organize our code neatly. It’s not about fancy jargon or confusing theories; it’s about making your code simple, understandable, and, dare I say it, fun!

In this adventure, we’ll explore Clean Architecture in the simplest way possible. No tech jargon, no complicated theories. Just plain, easy-to-understand concepts that will make your coding journey a breeze. So, get ready to unravel the mystery behind Clean Architecture and discover how simplicity can truly be enjoyable in the world of coding. Let’s make coding simple and fun together! 🚀

Understanding Clean Architecture with Three Layers:

Imagine you’re building a to-do list application. In a nutshell, Clean Architecture breaks down your project into layers, like the layers of an onion, where each layer has a specific purpose:

  1. Presenter Layer: Here, how application are displayed on the user interface or how users interact with your application via API or RPC or Event.
  2. Domain Layer: This layer contains the business logic of your application.
  3. Data Layer: responsible for managing data storage and retrieval mechanisms, providing abstractions (such as repositories and data mappers) to interact with the data, and ensuring that the core business logic remains decoupled from the specifics of data storage technologies.
Clean Architecture Diagram

i have implemented essential use cases using Clean Architecture principles. If you’re curious to see the full code and dive deeper into the implementation details, you can find the complete source code on my GitHub repository:

Feel free to explore the code, examine the different layers, and see how Clean Architecture principles have been applied to create a modular and maintainable codebase. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to open an issue or reach out through GitHub.

In the world of software development, simplicity, clarity, and maintainability are the cornerstones of a successful project. Throughout this journey, we’ve explored the power of Clean Architecture and how it transforms complex codebases into elegant, understandable, and enjoyable systems.

By adhering to the principles of Clean Architecture, we’ve achieved a separation of concerns that is invaluable. Our application’s core logic, encapsulated within the use cases, remains blissfully unaware of the external world. The presenter (or handler) layer gracefully handles user input and output, while the data layer, represented by your repository, communicates with databases and external services.

What we’ve created isn’t just code; it’s a structured, flexible, and scalable foundation for any software project. The use cases, designed to handle specific tasks, are the heart of our application. They’re independent, easily testable, and can be extended without disturbing the rest of the system. The repository, your bridge to the world of data storage, seamlessly integrates with the use cases, abstracting away the complexities of data interactions.

As we wrap up this exploration, remember that Clean Architecture is not just a set of rules; it’s a mindset. It’s about writing code that is as beautiful and understandable as a well-crafted story. It empowers us to create systems that are not just functional, but also a joy to work with.

Now armed with the knowledge and understanding of Clean Architecture, I invite you to continue your coding adventures. Dive into your own projects, apply these principles, and watch your code transform. Embrace simplicity, relish clarity, and, above all, enjoy the journey of building elegant and maintainable software.

Happy coding! 🚀



Martin Pasaribu
Nerd For Tech

Writing applications in Java and Go. I’m currently concentrated on Go, Microservices, Open Source & Distribution Systems